As I was bathing Ashton this evening he looked at me and asked me a very profound question for a four year old. "Mommy are you sad because Granddad died?" I nearly fell off the edge of the bath tub. I wasn't expecting that. This little man of mine was asking me how I felt with the greatest sincerity. His concerned eyes were locked into mine. He was waiting for an answer. Perhaps a reaction. "Yes, Buddy, I'm sad because Granddad died. I love him a lot and I miss him." "I loved him too, Mommy." "Ashton, he thought you were greater than the stars in the sky. He thought you were the best!" "I know, Momma...he loved me too." And the tears started to flow.
Ashton doesn't do well with tears. He likes everyone happy all of the time. He immediately changed the subject by wrapping up his army men in his wash cloth and handing them to me. "Here Mommy I have a gift for you."
That conversation broke my heart for many reasons. Because he could see my pain. Because he misses Granddad. Because he knows that Granddad thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. Because he just wants his Momma to be happy.
Oh, how blessed I am to have such wonderful men in my life.
Sidney, Ashton & Granddad: Father's Day 2010 |
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