I feel like I've had my fair share of reality checks in the past 12 months. Maybe what is different about them in this period of time is that I have actually sat up and paid attention to them. Learned from things. Applied my learnings into my every day life. At least I've tried to.
At 5am today the alarm clock went off. Not a morning person by any means - certainly not on a Saturday morning. I can say with great certainty there isn't much that would motivate me to get out of bed that early on a Saturday. Actually, nothing that I can think of outside of an early morning flight or a trip to an amusement park in my younger years. All that to say, today was the exception, not the rule.
I had the great privilege to assist with fundraising efforts for Wishes Can Happen's largest event - the Wish-a-thon. Two days of two radio stations promoting and educating their listeners on Wishes Can Happen and the impact they make on families in this community. As you can imagine, people just don't open their wallets "because it's the right thing to do." We are all human. Give me a story that I can relate to or sympathize with and you're another step closer to a donation. That's what this morning was all about.
My shift started at 6am. I was uncaffeinated. Using every twinge of will power to keep my eyes open. My greatest wonder was, "why am I doing this at this hour?" Within a half hour - and one testimonial in - the tiredness gave way to a different mindset. "Did I really just have a thought of complaint that I was up this early when these parents are fighting for the lives of their children?"
A wish recipient family came to the site to share their story with the broadcast area. Imagine this... You've adopted a newborn baby that has life threatening health issues. You're not even sure if you will bring him home from the hospital because the doctors have told you that it's likely he won't make it. Fast forward three years. This little boy Nick has beat the odds. However, he's on a ventilator. He's fed through a feeding tube. He cannot walk. He does not talk. He's confined to a chair that carries his equipment and his little body. The hospital that you frequent has referred you to an organization called Wishes Can Happen that will grant your child, your family a wish to help make your days a bit brighter. To bring some joy to a situation that is otherwise overwhelming.
I had the privelege spending time with this family and learning of their challenges. Their heartbreak. And, surprisingly enough, their joy. It's a challenge to take a car ride. Not because they have to fight with their little man to get him buckled into his car seat like most parents experience, but because he may pull his ventilator out during their journey. He may get a clot in his airway that stops his breathing entirely and requires immediate attention. Yes, this happens to them. It's not uncommon. It's their reality. They told me this with great sincerity. With a smile on their face and followed it up with, "We are so blessed to have Nick in our lives." ...let that one marinate for a while.
I spent several hours taking donations. Listening to stories. Seeing children who have benefitted from the generosity of this incredible organization. I walked away feeling thankful. Humbled. Privleged to be a part of something that impacts so many lives for the better.
Next time life has you down, think about little Nick, his parents and his sister, Raegan who's greatest worry is actually life and death. Don't sweat the small stuff. Be thankful for all you have.
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