If you remember my fish posts, you'll recall that I was less than thrill to add "fish" to the role call in this house.
Well, I'm here to tell you (confession style if you will) that I would like to take a page out of Ashton's book. No, I'm not interested in sporking the Beta fish to death, but I am interested in flushing it down the toilet. This creepy little food stalker has not regained the color in it's body. Quite the opposite, actually. It's actually draining moreso than it was when we acquired this "used fish" (to use Sidney's terminology). But, that's not all! (spoken with an infomercial voice!) Sponge Bob's scales are also falling off it's body. This can only mean one thing - one step closer to being flushed.
Honestly, I'm tired of cleaning the fish bowl. Sick of hounding Sidney to feed the fish daily. Looking at it's molting body every day. It's gotta be time to give it a water burial, right?
The question is - do I wait until it's belly up or do I put us both out of our misery and consider the next fish bowl cleaning the final one!?
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