Since May 1st, I have listened to the countdown to the birthday of Sarah Cross. May 19th is the magical date that this vibrant force entered the planet.
S+ (Sarah Cross) is my project manager, right hand and friend. She is pushed and pulled all day long by two very demanding account executives and still manages to inject humor, levity and spirit into the daily grind. She brings flair and life to everything she touches. Her consummate desire to learn and grow is inspiring. Her ability to add "light" to the gloomiest of days is refreshing.
She has laughed with me. Cried with me. Prayed for me. Supported me. Inspired me. Worked with me and for me - long hours and in tough situations. She challenges me. Always keeping me on my toes.
She loves life and it is evident in everything she does. She adds beauty as well as captures it. She is an amazing woman.
On this day and every day I wish her a life full of happiness + celebration.
Happy Birthday to you, S+. May you have many, many more!
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