Some of you may have already ejected from this post after seeing the title, "My Baby." Yea, yea, you've heard me say it a thousand times..."my Baby." Ashton is my baby. He's the youngest, he's the baby. But, how he's growing up.
This weekend marks the very first sleep-over "my Baby" had. He went to his best friend, Anuj's house and had an absolutely incredible time. Pizza. Pop. Cake. Cookies. Grand Slam. Went to bed late. Got up early. A perfect time was had by all.
I have to admit, I was a little teary after I dropped him off.
This four year old of mine is ready to go hang out with his friend without his Momma. I barely got a "goodbye" at the door, and had to chase him down to get a hug and a kiss! "Buddy, get back here and tell Mommy goodbye!" ...did I really just have to say that??? Where did my Baby go?!
He had a grand time. In fact, he wasn't ready to leave this morning. He told me all about his adventure start to finish. But, what is funny about Ashton is he only tells a story once...if you aren't there to hear it while he's telling, don't expect to hear a first-hand account. I took everything in. All I could think to myself is, "He's getting to be so grown up."
Later in the day, I went into his room to put some things away. I just sat on the bed and looked around. My kid lives in a time-warp of a room! White shelves. Pictures and memorabilia on the walls of Ashton as a baby. A new born picture. Baby dedication. Ashton in one of his monogrammed onesies. Yikes! This poor kid probably just spent the night in a big boy room with super heroes and he came home to a baby picture room with a touch of Buzz Light Year for good measure.
I guess it's time for me to let go of the baby and embrace the little boy.
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