My two little monkeys are bouncing off the walls. Really, the beds in the hotel room, but what's the difference? They are so excited to be on their way to the big city of Sheboygan, Wisconsin to visit their cousin. They cannot contain their excitement.
The modern technology of iPads, laptops, iPods and built in DVD players make road trips a little more tolerable. Your butt still gets numb from the vibration of the road, but the fighting and "don't cross this line" is reduced greatly by these distractions. A point system that I created this morning has also been highly successful. At least thus far.
The way the "game" is played is both kids start with 10 points. For each nice thing they do, they gain a point. Be a brat, and you lose one. If you end up with at least 10 points at the end of the trip then you get a reward at home. If you have less than ten points when we pull in the driveway, then prepare to be on chore duty for a few days. The real fun ones too...playroom clean up, bathroom sink cleaning, trash collecting. Every kid's dream!
Gotta love a good impromptu game to keep the troops on the straight and narrow. Stay tuned to see if Mom wins in the end.
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