Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do As I Say, Not As I Do...

Famous last words, right?  Well, these words bit me in the butt this week. 

Apparently I am a lot better at taking care of other people than taking care of myself.  It's also abundantly clear that I am great at telling others to take care of themselves, but I do not heed my own advice. 

I have been battling "the crud" for almost four weeks now.  At some point you would think that I would slow down, take it easy,, take care of myself.  Not so.  I pushed through continuing on with my normal routine of work, kids, family, running, working out and ran myself right into the ground. 

It all came to a head this Thursday when my sinuses turned into Niagara Falls--I became the human Maid of the Midst, minus anything fun!  Friday was miserable, my colleagues can attest to this.  I had a vaporizer on my desk along with a nice sampling from the medicine cabinet, hell bent on making it through the day.  Well, I made it through the day...and guess what?  I didn't get a gold star for doing it.  Instead I struggled to stay awake on my drive home and when I made it home I said "hello" and "goodbye" to my family.  I disappeared to my bedroom for the next 14 hours.  I went into a coma.  The first part of which was in my vapor bath...I fell asleep.  I must say that's a first.  I slept for 14 hours and much of Saturday.  I was amazed at how exhausted I was. 

Equally, I am amazed at how healing the rest was.

The moral of the story here, is I am going to start practicing what I preach.  And, to all of you who I have lectured on taking care of yourselves...that is good advice.  Now I'm going to follow it.

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