Run Forrest Run! One of my favorite movie lines...have used it over and over again. Usually in jest.
Every time I hit the pavement or the treadmill I think to myself "Run Forrest Run." I was not always a runner. In fact I loathed running. Sprints, suicides, laps--I detested it all. I was an athlete, a jock, but not a runner. Now I find it to be therapeutic. A stress release. A way to stay nimble.
The inspiration for my running was my friend Shannon. As we were chatting at work about an upcoming 10k race, she suggested that I run it. At first I had my reservations--fear really--that I wouldn't be able to do it. But, I like a challenge more than I like perfection (or so I thought) so I accepted. To ensure that I would go through with it I registered us. Now we were locked in.
The mystery for me was training. How would I (the non-runner) train for this 6.2 mile race? I hopped online and found a host of training regimens at my fingertips. I bookmarked the one that I liked best and set my course.
In short, I ran it. I finished it. It was hard. My time sucked.
I'm a perfectionist. As much as I wish it weren't so, it's true. While I kept telling myself (and everyone else) that my goal was only to finish, I really wanted to finish at or under 10 minutes / mile. When it was all said and done my time was 11 minutes / mile and I was less than thrilled. To console my ego, I told myself, "it was a grueling course" (and trust me, it was!) "it was my first race," "I only trained for 5 weeks prior to the race." All of these things were true. So, why couldn't I just be happy that I finished? I let my obsession with perfection get in the way of the satisfaction of conquering something that I never dreamed of doing.
I no longer run against myself. I run for myself. For the satisfaction of knowing that I run because I can. For all of the same reasons that Forrest Gump liked running.
So proud to be your "inspiration"!! I think you might be downplaying your competitive nature a little bit, though :) Keep it up, Forest!