Monday, January 10, 2011

Everything is Sunshine & Lollipops

For those of you who know me well, you know that I have just a "hint" of sarcasm attached to nearly everything that is uttered from my mouth.  Often, when people ask "how are you doing" I respond by saying everything is sunshine & lollipops.

Maybe about 50% of the time that is true, 25% of the time it is close to true, and 25% of the time it couldn't be further from the truth.  It is my standard response, nonetheless.

Now you know why my blog is named Sunshine & Lollipops, I hope that I can get that 50% closer to 75%.


  1. I thought of a movie when I saw your blog's title...also a song. There's nothing I can't relate to a movie. Lol. Don't loose that sarcasm, you wouldn't be the Lisa I know and love. Who would get me???
    Love ya Sista

  2. Congrats to Aaron on his award!!! And to Sidney for figuring out that any cash attached to such an award needs to be accounted for! And to Ashton for being so darn cute!! And, especially to you for starting your own blog. Why don't you write the Mulberry one while you're at it :)
