A watery, pastel pink, semi-gooey eye all points to one thing. Pink eye.
Pink eye is something that is not unfamiliar to this house. We have been through it many times. The first time Sidney contracted it I was immediately on the phone to the doctor describing the horror of the goop that had taken over my daughter's eye. The remedy is a tiny bottle of magic liquid that makes the contagious plague go away. 4 drops, 3 times a day keeps the ooze away!
This week Ashton fell victim to itchy eyes. The daycare "bylaws" state that the child needs to stay out of daycare for 24 hours after the onset of any contagious health issue.
That whole 24 hour thing has to be a suggestion, right? Not really a rule. I mean, he probably got it from the pink eye pool in the first place so what's the harm in sending him? It's not the Bubonic Plague.
So I sent him. I had a bottle of miracle drops, plopped four in each eye and sent him on his way.
Who's nominating me for mother of the year?
LOL! I will nominate you. Get to school kids, mom's got work to do...no time for pink eye or any other ailment that doesn't require a trip to the ER.