Thursday, September 29, 2011


I love these...they make my world go 'round!

Me:  "Hey Guys!  Come look at the rainbow out here!"
Sidney:  "Wow!  That's cool!  Think there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow?"
Me:  "I don't know...I'm going for a run see you in a bit."
...after I return from my run
Ashton:  "Mommy, did you find the pot of gold while you were running?"
Ah, the innocence of a five year old...

Sidney:  "Mommy is your life frustrating?"
Me:  "Not my home life, guys are easy.  Work is frustrating."
Sidney:  "Well Daddy's work and home life is hard.  He needs to go to anger management."
Fun dinner conversation that you can never truly anticipate...

Me:  "Ashton what did you have for lunch today?
Ashton:  "Nothing."
Me:  "Really?  Nothing?"
Ashton:  "Nothing."
Me:  "Okay, then, I am going to call your teacher and yell at her for not feeding you.  Then I am going to call the principal and yell at her for not giving you lunch.  I am going to tell them that is what you said.  Do you still think you had nothing for lunch?"
Ashton:  "I had a hamburger, noodles and bread."
Who says Mommies don't double as detectives?

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