Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mad Men Meets Pharmaceuticals

Nearly all of my professional career has been spent in the marketing and advertising world. Tomorrow it changes. Tomorrow I leave my comfort zone to move into a field that is relatively foreign to me. If someone would have told me that I would wind up in the healthcare(ish) industry one day I would have told them they were off their rocker. My Grandie always wished me to be a nurse while I was growing up and I politely disagreed - no thanks. No blood, bodily fluid or needles for this girl. While I will not be functioning as a healthcare provider, being in the industry is still a bit bizarre. But, it affords me what I need - time.

For far too long I have been running on fumes and while I have done a kick-ass job in my professional career, I have done a mediocre job as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, volunteer. This is not me being melodramatic or a martyr, this is me keeping it real. The Mad Men lifestyle has afforded me many opportunities, growth experiences, travel, new relationships, fun and yes, even cocktails at my desk and over lunch. But, not without a cost. The cost being at the expense of the people most important to me. What it really comes down to is the realization that life is about five-minutes long. Recognizing what's most important to me and how can I achieve more life becomes the goal. Not the career. Not a job. People and life - that's what matters to me.

"There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow; so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live."
- Dalai Lama 

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