Sunday, March 6, 2011


Through the month of November in observation of Thanksgiving, I exercised what I was thankful for through daily facebook posts. This experience left its mark on me.

I grow very weary of hearing my kids constantly tell me what they want. What they don't have. It gets old. My children, unlike many are very fortunate for all that they have. First and foremost their family who loves them, having all of their needs meant, and most of their wants within reason. Today Sidney said, "I'm sick of walking...I don't want to walk.". ...this all because she wanted her dad to carry her. The 7 year old girl who comes up to her Great Grandie's chin. My response was, "Sidney, be thankful you CAN walk...there are some people who can't.". I know my words did not fall on deaf ears. Typically when I challenge her to think outside of herself she surprises me by doing something benevolent for someone else.

My challenge to Sidney also extends to myself.

It's been so hard lately to acknowledge all of the things to be thankful for when I have been so caught up in my own grief. My sadness. I'm not in any way saying that I should not be grieving...I've suffered a great loss. But, my focus needs to extend past that loss to the many people and things that I have to be thankful for.

Tonight I will go to the Haven. I will see many men and women who will come through the doors with all that they own secured to their back. They are coming for a meal which they could not get through their own resources. They have nothing. Maybe an addiction. Likely a lot of baggage. And probably very little hope.

I will think of that the next time I complain about the weather. My mediocre lunch. Or, what I don't have.

I have a lot. For that I am thankful.

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